17 Mar 2016

Still WI-FI not working right

We build hybrid cars, we pay at the supermarket with our cell phones, we regulate the temperature at home while on the road. But still in many, too many facilities, complaints about how wi-fi works are endless. I've seen huge antennas added to precarious do-it-yourself solutions, fractionated schedules (even in facilities of a certain level), Aztec passwords printed on micragnose strips of paper and scary login procedures. I have also seen ridiculously limited connections for the series "I'll give you the line but you can't use it on skype, facebook or youtube".


The reason for this, dear colleagues, is, as always, a little bit ours and the obsession to save money. Other times it is the fault of the usual "technicians" to whom we entrust the technological management of our Hotel, obstinate in selling only what they know.

But technology runs fast and it's hard to stay up to date. So listen up: the ultimate, affordable solution really does exist.

Let's start with a basic misunderstanding: consumer devices can be fine at home. In hotels we need other things, designed to work in other ways. To persist in spending money on obsolete equipment, deluding ourselves that perhaps by mounting an antenna like a light pole we will make our clients happy, will not get us very far.

What does a wi-fi connection need to look like to get the approval of our guests?

The answer is simple: fast enough and stable enough in all rooms, avoiding those "only works if you stand by the window" situations.

We know that two guests don't just meant two connected devices: there are the tablets, the kids' smartphones, Dad's laptop. And there are those guests who, for some obscure reason, spend their stay in the hotel attached to the wi-fi like insatiable vampires.

Then we need secure technology, a stable signal, and the ability to intelligently distribute the internet bandwidth available to us.

In short, we need a MESH network!

MESH Networks Wireless use devices that differ from the common old style access points as they are equipped with a superior and innovative technology able to work simultaneously with standard interfaces on different transmission frequencies. Moreover the access points are characterized by a peer to peer network architecture with routing functionality.

In addition to having a really stable and functioning network we can distribute the amount of bandwidth in an intelligent way, create different networks (for example one for the staff; one for our customers who are willing to pay for all the speed they need etc.), manage authentication in the easiest way possible and much more.

In fact, we will be able to view the status of the access points and the "load" they have and the actual signal quality in each environment.

Leaving aside the purely technical aspects, the good news is that creating a system like this in our facility is really affordable for everyone.

Interested in learning more? Contact us and we'll be happy to share our experience with you.


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